I’ve done it again.
I’m listed on all the podcast services now. Spotify, Apple, Google (its actually still crawling damn you), Audible, Deezer, Podcast Addict, Radio Public, Stitcher, Overcast,Pocketcasts, Castbox. Good jorb me.
dragonmere's famous pranks' podcast
I’m listed on all the podcast services now. Spotify, Apple, Google (its actually still crawling damn you), Audible, Deezer, Podcast Addict, Radio Public, Stitcher, Overcast,Pocketcasts, Castbox. Good jorb me.
The entire ‘calls only’ version of every show should be on here now. This is the ‘patreon cut’. Going forward, I *think* I’m going to publish with a bit more of a podcast style? I’m not sure, but there’s no way in hell I’m going back and edting 168 old shows. Hopefully I’ll start getting … Read moreI did it
Don’t be scared. This will be a podcast soon. I hope. I’m scared.