The CORNDOWN pt 162: with LeVar Burton as Geordi La Forge
what happens then, found a toe, not 4/20, lost a toe, access code, pizza hat, etc
dragonmere's famous pranks' podcast
what happens then, found a toe, not 4/20, lost a toe, access code, pizza hat, etc
Dog Towel’s, Cop Sex, Weird Kiss, Feet Burger, Entrance Pointing, Drunk Drive-Thru, Bible Eater, Alarm Permission, I Got Your Nose, Drunk Crying, Start Smoking, Sleep Sample’s, Group Toilets, Shoe Toss
Shoe Ducts, Call the Polices, Liars, Key Duct, Smoke Alarms, Text Message, Pregnant Message, Pregnancy Guest, Medium Hotel, Self Punching, Speaking French, Premium Channels, Car Sleeping, Not Evil, Hotel Hand Washing, Hotel Basement, French Apology
A Hotel with No Elevator, Hard Word Floor, Weird Edibles, Whose Card, Toilet Hands, Room Soup, Stalker Help, Tell the Police, WD50 Oil, Full Nude, Spilt Water, Broken Key, Lamp Fee
Computer Disc, Less Steps, Staying Longer, Irish Coffee Dog, Government Format, Splash Guard, Government Money, Selling Stamps, Dog List, Untied Shoe, Punching Friends, Fake Animal Fee, Dog Bees, Partial Pet Fee
Obscene Plate, Sour Candy, Doing Motorcycles, Dog Adoption, Dr Rug, Bathroom Cleaners, Extension Cord, Poppin Fuses, Bring my WiFi, Sleep Watcher, Saying the B Word, Car Auditor, Cheddar Cats, Arbys Lettuce, Bring my WiFi II, Cronkleberries holy shit I mostly automated this description. this is going to save me dozens of minutes. dozens.
Missing birds, microwave door, dog posters, cat posters, bird posters, the dog is dead i dont know why we’re putting up posters, magazine subscriptions, room grease, room address, gatorade lids, culling birds, bad tows.
shopping warnings, scotty warnings, guest warnings, forgotten room numbers, crying, gatorade lid, vs the bed, wrong mom, safe soap,dad drop off, needing stitches, yelling at sandwiches, crying, lost shoes.
What was I thinking? 3 hours of calls about girlfriends and gummmmmmmmmmmm. Girlfriends, clear a path, gum policy, low butt, phone password, small face, lobby pose, webcam hacking.
Fly Tracking, Toilet Lifting, Too Many Wires, Valet Scuffle, Unpleasant Kidnapping, Hall Sounds, Money Period, Infant Puncher, Free Stuff, Free Drink Coolers, Cart Time, Hit by a Car, Dream Punches.