The CORNDOWN pt 14: Newsradio Season 5 Episode 11: Stinkbutt
This concludes the 2 week CORN DOWN extravaganza. I hope you enjoyed it. I did. See you TUESDAY AND FRIDAY
dragonmere's famous pranks' podcast
This concludes the 2 week CORN DOWN extravaganza. I hope you enjoyed it. I did. See you TUESDAY AND FRIDAY
What exciting times we live in — I actually uploaded these last 3 all at the same time but i am testing out the SCHEDULING feature on patreon. Pretty cool. if it works! Love you.
Thank you guys for your support. See you every TUESDAY on wastedmemory show at 830pmET on and every FRIDAY at 7pmET on
Back to uploading CORN DOWNs! Oh man. I got way behind. I honestly don’t remember what was in any of these shows. We should listen to them together. It will be a surprise for both of us.
Oh man. Next week, when I’m only putting out one of these, instead of one every day, it’s gonna be so easy. Ha! thank you for the support. See you tonight on wastedmemory show!!!!!
i guess octopodes have six legs and two arms but whatever.
It’s been one week since I started CORN DOWNing. Watch out for perverts, and enjoy this set of calls. Thank you so much for the support. You make this possible for everyone.
Oooooo. A show! this one was a good ole fashioned shit show. In a good way. The drunk wastedmemory way. Enjoy!
this one was a little short because the goonz started. Other than that, i have no recollection of this, as it was more than two days ago. I hope it’s enjoyable.
Here’s just the calls that came from my dialer machine. Not the calls wastedmemory dialed!! If you want the rest of the calls, or the ENTIRE mixlr broadcast, you need to subscribe to the wastememoryshow podcast feed! He’ll get it uploaded eventually!Be sure to listen to wastedmemory show with me on it every tuesday at … Read moreThe CORNDOWN pt 4: wastedmemory show: dragonmere show III (dragonmere only cut)