This one was less calls, less premises. It’s because “do you love your customers” seems to make people want to talk to you for a very long time. And the hotel front desk lady who was freaking out just because I said I had drugs. Jeeze lady, it’s a cheap hotel. There’s drugs. Get over it. So;
Customer Love, and a pair of long Making Friends calls are the main contributions to the show, with a great Employee/Employer call, hissing buns, gas size, and gas return with wasted. i know thats a terrible description, but it’s mostly a bunch of really long “do you love your customer” calls and they’re all great. Enjoy I hope.
NO SHOW NEXT FRIDAY NOV 5th because (so far) the only time I cancel a CORNDOWN is due to a MEETUP (which is the opposite of a corndown, obviously) which I’ll be doing in Wisconsin so come hear the sound of my voice there i guess if you really need to. has links.