The CORNDOWN pt 138: with Chad Allen as Tommy Westphall

oh. this was a good show. I had no memory of it. but i enjoyed taking the notes: Squirrel edibles, Employee Fight, Hotel Spaghetti for lunch, Employee meetings, getting gas for other guests, community policing (everything is cool), a quick nows not the time, and fighting guests. ENJOY. I LOVE YOU GOD DAMMIT

The CORNDOWN pt 131: with Brad Pitt as Chad Feldheimer

CLEVELAND AREA MEETUP SEPT 16 17 18 I LOVE YOU Animal Homicide investigations, including bird murders, and violent bus drivers. Burried animals, alcoholic drinks when they aren’t expected (these were fun), interlock in the parking lot, more bird murders beak missing beak, and some muscling in to rooms.

The CORNDOWN pt 130: with Decoy Octopus as The DARPA Chief

CLEVELAND MEETUP IS UPON US. PLEASE BRING YOUR OWN SACK LUNCH. Normal Bread. For some reason, multiple people wanted to talk to wasted for like 20+min about normal bread. Bullshit pizza. (TRIGGER WARNING) Smart Hotels, Narcotics Guy, Crazy Pizza Normal Bread (flipped), Arbys relatives, Propane Tanks/Rooftop Laser, Too much Toilet Paper.
